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2.11.00: Cafe Assisi by Claire Schmidt
Coming soon!! There's also at least one shot of our friends Introverison...er, I mean Introversion....
Show Flyer...by Matt Waters
3.3.00: Practice Photos by Matt Waters
Here are a bunch of photos from a recent practice...from the original UFO Palace (off of Monona Drive in Madison)...
Brandon #1...
Brandon #2...Check the rad drum logo!
Brandon #3...
Logan #1...
Logan #2...
Joyce #1...
Joyce #2...
3.27.99(?): New Loft, Madison, WI by Adam Schuster
We're not exactly sure when these were taken...sometime in the spring of '99. Our second show. We're seen here rocking-out with out cocks-out. Visible in the audience is future UFO Justin Aten. We love the rock-star poses and so should you.
tufos1.gif...Waters, Joyce, Logan, Justin.
mattj.gif...Matt Joyce, ovulating (as usual).
tufos2.gif...same band, different pose.